Coach and Athlete Development

As a West Ottawa coach, you have the opportunity and the responsibility to develop your athletes and yourself. There are amazing resources available today to help you sharpen your skills. We are big believers that all West Ottawa coaches should consider participating in the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). The NCCP helps coaches follow the prescribed model for Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD). This model makes it much easier for you to develop all age and stage appropriate aspects of athlete development.

Managing Practices, Games, and Relationships

There are several distinct aspects of coaching that are required to create a team culture that fosters learning, life skills, fitness, and fun:

  • Managing player and parent relationships
  • Practice planning
  • Teaching and coaching skills
  • Game management

National Coaching Certification Program

The National Coaching Certification Program workshops are an essential aspect for becoming the best coach you possibly can be. Whether you are coaching a U8 Small Ball rec team or a U18 competitive team, an NCCP workshop will be beneficial for you. Workshops can be completed in a single evening or online for your convenience. The NCCP makes it easy to get started and stay motivated on the path towards coaching skills development.

Long Term Athlete Development

The Long-Term Athlete Development Model (LTAD) provides a consistent framework from which coaches can work. It was designed by sport scientists and coaches from across Canada. It illustrates the importance of a systematic and consistent approach to the development of athletes. It also recognizes the importance of participation in securing the health of the nation.

The model assists West Ottawa coaches in understanding the importance of teaching particular aspects of the game to athletes at specific stages of development. It is designed to ensure that all participants will receive the appropriate training that will produce skills development, well-rounded people and maintain a lifelong passion for the sport.

Speak with Coach Mark about NCCP and LTAD